Part 2 Mad Hatter or Chef Over a certain period of time, I got to know Johnny Santore. He was easy to idolize at my impressionable young age. One night, he even had the opportunity to watch me at my house during which he asked me several times what I…...
Ultimate Gangster-Pt.1
Part 1 John “Johnny” Santore was a gangster by every possible definition of the word. Generally speaking, the streets were replete with tough guys, however; in this author’s opinion, John was one of the toughest. Hailing from East New York, Brooklyn his dangerous reputation preceded him. His barrel-chested swagger sent…...
Racism with the Mob
“I also don’t believe in drugs. For years, I paid my people extra so they wouldn’t do that kind of business…I want to control it as a business, to keep it respectable…my city, we would keep the traffic in the dark people; the colored. Their animals anyway so let them…...
The Frugal Lucchese Underboss
SELFISHNESS: Selfishness is being concerned excessively or exclusively, for oneself or one’s own advantages, pleasure, or welfare, regardless of others. -Wikipedia Mob Realtors In 2001, Ray Argentina, Louis “Louie Jet” Gampero, and others decided to enter the real estate business. There was no oddity in a group or team undertaking…...
John (Junior) Gotti Plays Queen For A Day
Queen for the day is a written agreement between Federal prosecutors and individuals under criminal investigation or charged with a crime. Ultimately, entering such an agreement yields information given through a proffer session. Speaking to the government regarding their knowledge of crimes under immunity. In attendance, would be their attorney,…...
Catholic Church vexed with Cosa Nostra
Religious Preference Whether one believes in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, or Buddhism all are preferential or cultural upbringings. Catholicism goes back to the Roman Empire for Italians and of course for the people of Sicily. This author heard of his baptism, remembered his communion and confirmation. My grandparents were churchgoers…...
Colombo Cuckoo: Crazy Sal-Pt.2
Part 2 The Jokester As I’ve mentioned, Sal truly loved to make people laugh and always was up to something. One afternoon, he walked over to me in the yard to ask a question. I answered yet he kept asking me to repeat it, finally, I said, “What’s the…...
Colombo Cuckoo: Crazy Sal-Pt.1
Part 1 An associate by chance Silvio “Crazy Sal” Salome worked as a licensed electrician, acquiring side jobs to make ends meet. As fate would have it, one such job catapulted him into the belly of the Colombo crime family. Sometime in 1989, Crazy Sal received an electrical job from…...
The Fashion Of Cosa Nostra
To get an understanding of fashion you must look back in time. Dictated by styles and traditions, men’s clothing has evolved along the way. Nevertheless, trendy looks inspired by past generations that presently remain. Among those trendsetters were the gangsters of American Cosa Nostra. The Roaring Twenties brought change to…...
Bonanno Wiseguy Falsely Makes Himself A Boss
An Ordered Hit Participating in the 1999 murder of Gerlando “George from Canada” Sciascia, John “Johnny Joe” Spirito along with Patrick “Patty from the Bronx” DeFilippo admitted their guilt in the homicide. Sciascia, born in the province of Agrigento, Sicily immigrated to Canada in 1955. At the time of his…...